Flag-Raising Ceremony
On the morning of 25th June, 2018, Anqing Foreign Language School held the last flag-raising ceremony of this semester and successfully completed the morning conference session in this term.
To start with, at the flag-raising ceremony, all the teachers and students were full of spirit. They raised the national flag, sang the national anthem and saluted soulfully with their hopes in the new week, new semester and new life.
Later on, teacher Xu Ruyi from Class 1, Grade 8 told a story under the national flag sharing two key words: confidence and fighting will. Teacher Xu hoped everyone would courageously go forward in life and study!
Furthermore, at the end of the semester, Principal Assistant Ling Qian had some blessings for the teachers and students. Firstly he shared the bulletin of glad tidings in the College Entrance Examination and put forward guidance and requirements towards the study and life during the final stage of this term. Afterwards, upon the arrival of the summer vacation, Principal Assistant Ling Qian called upon students to spend the holiday safely, courteously and happily. Students could reflect on study and life, read classics, review lessons, adjust and relax impetuous, nervous mood, go deep into the social fabric to understand the country history, human geography, local conditions and customs as well as traditional customs to expand knowlege and improve comprehensive quality. In addition, students were supposed to help parents do housework, share the chores and perform children’s duty. On the other hand, students could go cycling, play a ball game to relax both physically and mentally, which not only trained ourselves, but also cultivated our temperament. Thus, it was a great time to prepare ourselves for the commanding heights of our lives.
In summary, Principal Assistant Ling Qian reiterated the significance of life education. He stimulated the teachers and students to love life and advance bravely. Also, Principal Assistant Ling Qian hoped all the teachers and students would adhere to Anqing Foreign Language School’s fine traditions and style of work to keep fit, study hard, work hard and make life sparkling!

